Fresh thinking and strategy prompted
Blackmores to give the CEO hero's award
to Virginia for delivering great results.

As Marketing Manager at Blackmores Virginia was responsible for $100million across womens, pregnancy, kids, mens, multis, ageing and arthritis categories.
Virginia secured the CEO ‘s hero award and and also excellence in marketing award after delivering $15million in extra sales with $9million alone being from new products.
She was both author and thought leader for fresh strategy and positioning leading to new campaigns and products.
Highlights include :
an on pack and media partnership with WWF for Blackmores ECOproducts (Sustainable krill).
This gave Blackmores a credible quality ECO point of difference.
Included a campaign led by a digital hub, facebook posts, PR, print, education in store and heavy TV
In ageing and arthritis, a category fueled by baby boomers :
FISH OIL: Several cutting edge new products launched due to a new understanding of how fish oil helps arthritis.
Heavy marketing included TV and digital, a packaging overhaul and also a marketing campaign to doctors and pharmacy assistants including easy to digest e-learning modules.
PR - A 15 minute positive story with testimonials was secured on both Today Tonight and A Current Affair, an almost impossible task
ALIVE MULTIVITAMINS – An aggressive launch into multivitamins with a focus on the end benefit, energy.
Accompanied by an aggressive campaign which included TV /mag/ digital /social/ experiential and sampling.
Product was specifically formulated for the market gap and point of difference.
PREGNANCY - A strategy formulated to capitalise on the current baby boom.
included product development, heavy digital and app development work.